IID company, established in Rotterdam The Netherlands, was founded in 2021 through Robin Kroes and Remy Tilburg. 

What started as a personal urge to create a safe space where they could fully  identify themselves and help others in their process. Slowly grew into a platform where creativity, authencity and self awareness are the source of the existence. 

From research into solution, from studio to theatre.  IID is going to expand.    

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'Being as open as possible for everything your mind gives to you.
Being in extatic state where you feel on top of the movement. Always looking to break and decontruct movement
by finding new ways that suits the body you are working with.
A group is only created with individuals'


H E A R   M E

Hear me is a multimedia dance performance in which different entities , each from a different world are looking for a universal language. A confrontation between desire and a lack of empaty becomes their challenge. There will be distortion and a inability to express their feeling leads to a look in the mirror. This will warp the entire enviroment into new layers. 

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 D E B U S S Y ' S   D R E A M

 In Debussy's Dream - choreographer Remy Tilburg takes us into the fictional sketches and nightmares of Claude Debussy. Three female dancers perform the fragmented  signature dance technique of Remy Tilburg. Faces are covered with silver beads and striking light effect in bold colors make Debussy's Dream a dreamy dance trip with a small wink here and there. 

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