

My name is Beatriz Mira. I’m a portuguese freelance dancer and creator, currently living the quarter life mark, 25. I’ve previously worked with Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo, collaborating with choreographers such as Vasco Wellenkamp, Miguel Ramalho, Margarida Belo Costa, Benvindo Fonseca and Metamorphosis. I’ve also collaborated with Companhia Instável and Sentidos Ilimitados. Ever since I started dancing I had the will to explore creatively and in the last years I’ve had some very beautiful creative collaborations. With Tiago Barreiros, we’ve created ‘CORRENTE’ for CPBC, which was selected for RIDCC in 2022, leading to the creation of ‘Out in the Heartland’ for the Junior Company of Het National Ballet. In 2023 we created ‘café’ and this year we premiered our first full length piece ‘the horMoans’ in 10 Sentidos Festival. I’ve also co-created ‘Atopos’ with Miguel Santos, a piece that won the 2023 National Showcase of Young Creators by Gerador Magazine. Dance has brought me tremendously beautiful experiences in life. I’m in love with movement, how our bodies can express so much, so differently. I wish to keep deepening my understanding of it, by learning and sharing with other moving passionate individuals.



I am Joey de Koning, a 23-year-old performing artist based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor's Degree from the Lucia Marthas Institute for Performing Arts, during which I focused on specialising in contemporary and modern dance. My professional experience includes an apprenticeship with NDT 2 during the 2022-2023 season, as well as contributing to various freelance projects in both the modern and commercial sectors. I have appeared in the TV series "Stars On Stage" (RTL) and toured in the production 4x4 with "Tales to Disturb," choreographed by Laura Daelemans. Currently, I am working with LO.CC (Lola Creative Concepts) on the duet "Bursting Clouds."

Standing on stage is a deeply enriching experience for me. Dance serves as a vital language of existence, intricately woven with thought, identity, and personal expression. This journey of exploration inspires me, and I look forward to the new experiences the ever-evolving world of dance will bring.





My name is Diljá Sveinsdóttir, I am from Iceland and I am 25 years old. I studied dance at Artez and  finished my last year doing internship with Poetic Disaster Club and Conny Janssen Danst in the Netherlands. After my graduation, Robin Kroes and I did a duet together for the project ‘Hear Me’ with the musicians THE_AND. Meanwhile, I worked for several projects in Iceland such as ‘Rof’ by Sveinbjörg Þ órhallsdóttir where I performed it in Cannes Dance Festival. In 2023, I decided to further my education and went to Barcelona to study fi lm making for one year. A year later, I directed a dance movie in Iceland through Skapandi Sumarstarf. Currently, I am working with IID on the project ‘Hear Me’. My identity is that I am deaf and using hearing aids. Which means, I can choose when to hear and when not;)





My name is Bo Jacobs and I am a 24 year old freelance artist from the Netherlands. In my past I have worked for Elephant in the Black Box Company, Nürnberg Ballet, Biënnale Danza Venezia, and Snorkel Rabbit Company. Besides that I am exploring my choreographic abilities, which resulted in several works: Vicious (Staatstheater Nürnberg), LIMP (Amsterdam Fringe Festival), and The Great Forgetting (Staatsopern Hannover).

As an artist/person I am very passionate about the constant rediscovery of myself, I like to call it: butterflying. Currently that path is about finding my power in the feminine; vulnerability, love, emotion, & honest expression!




My name is Jieon Ko, 27 years old , coming from South-Korea. I was dancing in part study by Amos Ben Tal, Still life by Nicold Beautler production , Relay sports by Andreas Hannes and Disambiguation by Elisa Zuppini. Over the years, I’ve realized something important: after working in various jobs while still holding on to dance, I’ve learned that I’m someone who can lose but also come back to win the next time. I may not be the fastest runner, but I always make it to the finish line. Right now, there aren’t many things I can say truly define me, but I believe I’m on the right ride to discovering who I am. Maybe one day, I’ll find what that is. And it’s fine if that time never comes.

One last thing, I love this sentence ! Sometimes the wrong train takes you to the right destination.

dancer (intern)




My name is Lulu Verstegen, 21 years coming from the Netherlands. I’ve graduated from The Creative Contemporary dance education of RijnIJssel/Artez. And I am now 4th year of the Docent Dans education of the AHK. I’ve danced as a freelance dancer with people such as: Dox, Anne Suurendonk, Ruben Chi, Dalton Jansen, Faizah Grootens, Linde Wagemakers, Evelien Jansen, Ivgi&Greben, Thu Hang, Art Beat, Movementalist. As a human, artist and dancer I would define myself as a continuously evolving child with so many different inspirations and ingredients that I am mixing all together to create something that is pure and in the moment. I like to search for the unfamiliar and keep on surprising myself and others with the availability of the body, the stupidity of the mind, and the unexpected twists in life’s concepts.




My name is Ivan Tocchetti, 23 years old,  born and raised in Lecco Italy. I then moved to The Netherlands to complete my bachelor's degree in dance at Codarts Rotterdam University For The Arts. During my last year of studies, i've danced with The Luzerner Theater in Switzerland, and have since then moved back to Rotterdam to freelance as a performance artist. A few things that define me are my genuine honesty, curiosity and introspective mindset, and eagerness to connect and care for others.

dancer (intern)



My name is Kseniia Serykh, 22 y.o., from Kaliningrad, Russia. From 2020 i was studying choreography in Prague for three years premiering works/performing in local theatres and European festivals such as: “Share festival”, “Nova Generace” and “DanzArt festival”. Currently in my internship year in AHK Expanded Contemporary Dance program in Amsterdam where I’m finishing my bachelor degree. As a dancer I’m always exploring the range of detalisation that I can reach with my movement. I’m eager about keeping my dance truthful to my emotions and making sure to take care of this state of mind and body.





My name is Robin Kroes (1995)  Born in the Netherlands. I am the founder, artistic director and choreographer of IID company. Next to this i am still dancing myself in the company. Remy and i both decided to keep the company in a fluid form in which we could stay be able to swap in different roles. I graduated from the FHK Dance Academy in 2016 as a performing dancer. The years after my  graduation i worked for several choreographers in different companies in the netherlands and belgium ( Kiss Moves , Isabelle Beernaert , AYA dancetheatre ) I completed 4 tours through NL and Belgium. After 4 years working for other choreographers i  felt the need to identify myself more as a artist. Together with  Remy Tilburg we created the IID platform. During this period i found out to combine the artistic workfield with the commercial one. I worked for different brands and artists as a dancer in commercials and video in NL, Germany, Spain and Sweden. I am using the IID platform to distinquish my art and creating more repetoire. 



My name is Remy Tilburg and i'm the founder ,artistic director and choreographer of IID company. Next to this i am still also  a dancer in the company. In 2015 i graduated in Urban Contemporary (JMD) from the Amsterdam University of the Arts. With my hip-hop background, i was  featured in various dance programs on television during my studies, including: Soyouthinkyoucandance and the ultimatedancebattle. I have been dancing for 10 years for CJD.  In 2021 i won the NDT Partner Award during the RIDCC for the duet Fifty-one/fourty-nine togheter with Emma Evelein. In that same year i received the Incentive Prize from the Dansersfonds '79 for my solo Cotton Mind, which i created for the solo performance Monuments in Solitude by Conny Janssen Danst.  I am also choreographing  and doing movement direction for music videos for artists.